‘The weaver’ is a multi-sensory experience designed to feel a weaver’s embodied movements of weaving through the aural, visual, and kinesthetic senses.

Weaving can be an incredibly meditative process with repetitive movements and the gradual manifestation of those movements into tangible patterns and forms. ‘The weaver’ here intensifies an already embodied experience of the process of weaving by evoking multiple senses. One doesn’t just see the weaver’s participation being fabricated into the tangible patterns, but one can hear the movements, and see those movements being painted in front of them. One can see where the weaver’s eyes traveled while weaving. It brings to realization the fleeting and momentary participation of a weaver.

The movement of the weaving (weft-shuttle) tracked using microcontrollers, and the movement of the weaver’s eyes tracked through a camera and clm tracker are translated into visual and aural representations for an immersive experience. Browse through some behind-the-scene moments and work-in-progress prototype documentation below.