My Tsunami Story was a creative learning workshop organised under the initiative Tsunamika ➚, by Upasana Design Studio ➚.

The initiative, My Tsunami Story, was a painting and textile skill development workshop for women of villages around Auroville, India, to support their families affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.

The workshop involved the following activities:
    • An introduction with these brave women and getting to know their 2004 Tsunami Story
    • A concept session, where women were encouraged to express their stories and experiences in the form of sketches, letters, drawings, etc
    • An embroidery, patchwork, and surface design workshop to translate their concepts into customised products
    • Photography and Videography of this entire experience to share it to the world

Sharing such intimate escapades with someone, especially whose language you do not understand, was an intense experience. We had two fun-filled days of doing art and craft, learning each other's stories, and having tea parties with the lovely ladies. While conducting these workshops, a lot more was learnt regarding management and communication. Moreover, translating these women's dialogues from Tamil to English were an incredibly fun exercise.