With long-term social, political, environmental and economic challenges lying ahead for us, humankind is looking up at the cosmos for humility, looking around in their habitat for planetary and interplanetary recuperation, and looking within the self for a sense of security and healing. ‘Speculative Spaces’ is a provocative dialogue to question and ponder over some of these visions. What would the planet’s landscape look like with rivers, mountains, machines, and other biotic or abiotic beings getting the same rights as humans? How would the human architecture be if made to coexist with the heterogeneity of this planet instead of dominating it? How would we interact with our immediate environments and the objects around us if they expressed feelings? And now that we are getting to hear and see the vast beyond of the space clearer than ever, how would we reimagine our space infrastructure if we could hear the space’s reaction to our astro-anthropocene? ‘Speculative Spaces’ hopes to provoke critical inquiry and curiosity about the future that we are building.

    • Visuals: AI generated images using stable diffusion models and consumer strategy news as text prompts
    Webb Space telescope Gallery
    NASA's Data Sonification: Black Hole at the Center of the Perseus Galaxy Cluster (X-ray)
    Second space age and Astro-anthropocene
    Space Foundation (US) report on global space economy
    Nonhuman nonsense
    Planetary Personhood
    The Care Economy in WGSN's 2024 Future Drivers Report
    Ecocide and nonhuman rights
    Nonhuman Rights Project
    Milan Triennale 2022
    Terra Forma: A Book of Speculative Maps, by Frédérique Aït-Touati, Alexandra Arènes and Axelle Grégoire
    The Ideal City 2040 by Space10
    Mycelium Intelligence and Collective Intelligence


Civic Art Lab 2022 Conference: Spaces
Family Portrait • Oil on Canvas • 12"x12" each