Crafted Machines
A talk on cultures and communities of machines
Role: Researcher and Presentor
The talk refers to the lifecycle of a machine (in this case, a cellphone), the materials used in its making, and the socio-geographical impact of its production on global communities. Taking a cue from the philosophies of Donna Haraway, Richard Sennett, ethnocomputing, the Shanzhai culture and many others alike, the talk about Crafted Machines provokes a discussion around diversity and accessibility within the culture of making and the communities of machines.

- • Fuller, Matthew, ed. "Software Studies: A Lexicon". MIT Press. 2008.
- • Sennett, Richard. "The Craftsman". Yale University Press, p. 11. 2008.
- • Jackson, Steven J; Kang Laewoo. "Breakdown, Obsolescence and Reuse: HCI and the art of repair". Information Science, Cornell University, 232 Gates Hall, Ithaca, NY, USA. 2014.
- • Murer, Martin; Fuchsberger, Verena; Tscheligi, Manfred. "Un-Crafting: De-Constructive Engagements with Interactive Artifacts". Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria; AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria. 2017.
- • Torres, Cesar Armando. "Hybrid Aesthetics: Bridging Material Practices and Digital Fabrication through Computational Crafting Proxies". University of California, Berkeley; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. 2019.
- • Nitsche, Michael; Weisling, Anna; "When is it not Craft? Materiality and Mediation when Craft and Computing Meet"; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. 2019.
- • Devendorf, Laura; Arquilla Katya; Witanen Sandra; Anderson, Allison; Frost, Steven. "Craftspeople as Technical Collaborators: Lessons Learned through an Experimental Weaving Residency". ATLAS Institute Dept. of Information Sciences Univ. of Colorado Boulder; Ann and H. J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences Univ. of Colorado Boulder; Adidas; Department of Media Studies Univ. of Colorado Boulder. 2020.
- • Lewis, Jason Edward, ed. "Indigenous Protocol and Artificial Intelligence Position Paper". Honolulu, Hawaii: The Initiative for Indigenous Futures and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR). 2020.
- • Kafai, Yasmin B.; Searle, Kristin; Martinez, Cristóbal; Brayboy, Bryan. "Ethnocomputing with Electronic Textiles: Culturally Responsive Open Design to Broaden Participation in Computing in American Indian Youth and Communities" University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Philadelphia, PA; Arizona State University School of Social Transformation, Tempe, AZ.
- • D'Ignazio, Catherine; Klein, Lauren F. "Data Feminism". MIT Press. Cambridge. 2020.
- • Haraway, Donna. "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century". Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, pp. 149-181, Routledge, New York. 1991.
- • Are iphones bad for the environment? ➚ by Antonia. 2020.
- • The Cycles of an iphone ➚ by Ananya Pal. 2020.
- • History of a button ➚ by Bill DeRouchey. 2015.
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