About personal space is about unpacking the meanings behind different movements, behaviours, and gestures of non-verbal communication

Key problems: India’s population and lack of personal space in public spaces + Self Defense + Covid-19 physical distancing

It is Personal

India has a population of over 138 Crores as of November 2020 source, with an average population density of 325 persons per square kilometer source. Public places (especially tourist sites) and public transport in almost all major or urban cities are overcrowded. The idea of Public Space is not comprehended by many, because they have never been introduced to the their-privilege of the concept. This lack of comfortable and safe personal space does not help the situation in times like today, with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Eve-teasing at public places has unfortunately become a common affair source. It has been observed how a crowd becomes a shield and an excuse behind inappropriate and uncomfortable contact / gaze / behaviour.

Image sources: The hawk ➚ and India Today ➚

Image sources: BBC ➚

Personal Space?

• What does Personal Space mean?
• What is one’s own Personal Space? How can it be defined?
• Is it constant or does it change? If it does, based on what?
• Where is this space- on a Physical Medium, Virtual, Psychological, Social?
• Is it visible to others at any Medium? On which Mediums is it not visible?
• Why is Personal Space significant? What does it contribute to?
• What does invasion of Personal Space mean? How is this invasion known to oneself?
• Is this invasion known to the invader?

Non-verbal communication around personal space

• Being aware of an alien presence in one’s personal space
• Making the alien presence aware of the intrusion
• What message is being conveyed, and what message is being interpreted?
• What is being missed out, what is being realised through the communication?

Exploring the message behind the motion

Below are interactive prototypes with different proximity-based movements. They raise questions such as, what did that particular motion signify, was it defensive or attacking, and what message was eventually received?

Working on the prototypes

Approach: Origami
Material: Fusing Canvas (paper replacement)
Movement: Contract and Expand
Message: Reaching while expanding? Defensive while shrinking?

Approach: Origami
Material: Greige Fabric (paper replacement)
Movement: Extrude
Message: Stop?

Approach: Embroidery and layering
Material: Sheer fabric
Movement: Shrink
Message: Afraid? Defensive?

Approach: Embroidery and layering
Material: Fusing Canvas or greige fabric for stiffness
Movement: rise and fall
Message: Awareness?

End purpose

Experimental installations or Library (multiple pieces), that attempts at studying and understanding user interactions and how individual pieces are perceived by the observers.