The Dark Data zine ➚ has been compiled from scholarship, research, and creative practice in spring 2021 to fulfill the requirements for PSAM 5752 Dark Data, a course at Parsons School of Design, The New School.

User interface and visual layout

Newsprint: An Ode to Journalism, inspired from Newsprint and Halftone prints

Artboard and resources for inspiration

Individual artworks corresponding to individual articles

Twelve artworks for the twelve articles' thumbnails

Design System
A guid for front-end development

Image Courtsey: Pavithra Chandrasekhar

Multi-device responsive design

Alternate layouts
Experimenting with different visibility styles

Playing with contrast and dark themes

Alternate looks
Before going for the Newsprint look, the following themes were explored:

Theme: Sketch

Theme: Datapoints(left) and Brutalism(right)